Ars Arcanum

A Skill Based RPG

Welcome to Ars Arcanum!Ars Arcanum is a game full of secrets, magic and danger. Playing the role of a
Champion, you will travel to weird and
fantastical places, uncover fell schemes, and
stand against powerful forces: both mundane and magical. You will
encounter soul-breaking combat, monsters, and great challenges of skill. During your travels you will
find secrets to achieve heights of skill some only dream of.
You and your companions could very well change the world, and if you so desire…? Perhaps even break it, or reforge it according to your wills.
In Ars Arcanum, each player takes the role
of a Champion, someone whose mission is
to explore the world, further their ideals and, armed with skill which some
can only dream of, perhaps change the world in accordance with their wills.
Working as a team, Champions can come from disparate backgrounds and be of varied professions: each
bringing different strengths to the group. Together, joined in
friendship and great purpose, you will stand resilient
against even the most brutal of challenges!
Here are the eight steps to creating a Champion:Step One: Generate Ability Scores
Step Two: Determine your
Step Three: Determine your Profession
Step Four: Determine Final Ability Scores
Step Five: Decide Skills and allocate Skill Points (SP).
Step Six: Determine and Allocate Feat Points (FP).
Step Seven: Create a backstory
Step Eight: Equip your Champion.
Generate Ability ScoresAbility scores are generated randomly by rolling
two or more six sided dice. Each result is then multiplied by 5 to generate a percentage number that ranges between 15% and 90%
STR (Strength): Roll 3D6 and multiply by 5 to
generate a Strength score.
CON (Constitution): Roll 3D6 and multiply by
5 to generate the Constitution score. Divide by 5 and add the total to your total hp.
SIZ (Size): Roll 2D6+6 and multiply by 5 to
generate a Size score. Divide by 5 and add the total to your total hp.
DEX (Dexterity): Roll 3D6 and multiply by 5 to generate a Dexterity score.CHA (Charisma): Roll 3D6 and multiply by 5 to generate a Charisma score.INT (Intelligence): Roll 2D6+6 and multiply by 5 to generate an Intelligence score.
Intelligence determines the number of Personal Interest
skill points (multiply INT × 3) allotted to a new Champion.
SOUL: Roll 3D6 and multiply by 5 to
generate a SOUL score.
Sanity points (SAN) begin the game equal to the character’s SOUL. SOUL dictates the character’s number of anam points (from gaeilge “anam”, meaning “soul”),
which, unlike SOUL, can be spent and regenerated during
play. Anam points are equal to one-fifth of SOUL
STU (Study): Roll 2D6+6 and multiply by
5 to generate a Study score. STU is a factor in determining how many
skill points a Champion begins with (STU x 3), and represents the investigator’s starting percentage for the Own Language skill.
MOV (Move):
roll 3D6 and multiply by 5
for a Move score.
LU (Luck):
roll 3D6 and multiply by 5
for a Luck score.
Determine your

A list of races can be found Here
Determine your Profession
Your Profession represents the main way you make an income outside of adventuring, as well as functioning like a class in other rpgs. A list of professions can be found Here
Determine Final Ability Scores
Take the scores you generated, and add any relevant racial bonuses (if any).
Decide Skills and allocate Skill Points (SP)
Multiply your STU by three, that is the number of skill points you have to spend on your profession's skills. SP is spent on a 1:1 ratio, meaning every point spent on a skill increases the skill by one point. SP can be spent on credit rating during this step only. Credit rating can't exceed the max credit rating for your profession, and starts at its lowest value.
Multiply your INT by three, that is the number of skill points you have to spend on ANY skill you choose. If you chose human as your race you have an extra 100 SP to spend on this step. This is also true if you chose half human and chose this trait, or chose half firbolg and human and chose this trait.A list of Mundane Skills can be found HereA list of Magical Skills can be found HereDetermine and Allocate Feat Points (FP)
Look at your STU, you will have a number of FP to spend on acquiring feats in accordance with the following table. If you chose human as your race you will have one extra FP to spend here. This is also true if you chose half human and chose this trait, or chose half firbolg and human and chose this trait.


This will also be the number of FP available for you to spend during the improvement step. Be sure to spend all the FP you can, as unspent FP do not carry over.A list of Mundane Feats can be found HereA list of Magical Feats can be found HereCreate a backstory
What type of character do you want to play? What sounds fun? Think about this as you craft your character's backstory. Who do they know? What are they like? What made them choose their profession? What caused them to become an adventurer, a Champion? Where did they grow up? Where did they learn their skills?
When you're done make sure you run it by the Lore Master for approval.Equip your Champion
Start by checking your starting equipment from your profession.
After that, observe your credit rating. You have five times your monthly income in starting gold to spend. A list of items can be found HereOnce this is done you've finished your character! Congratulations! Have fun playing!

The most Hp a player can have without feats is 50
The most AP a player can have without feats is 50
The max HP for mortal beings is 100 HP
The max AP for mortal beings is 100 AP
The max LP for mortal beings is 100 LP
The max SP for mortal beings is 100 SP
The max RP for mortal beings is 100 RP
* Can break that limit through great acts of heroism/villainy
* If limit is broken: demigod ascension plot arc, followed by loss of control of character
One cannot bestow ogham upon non masterwork items.
The highest tier of player character creatable item, mythwork, is +9.

TierCost Multiplier
Masterwork I+1
Masterwork II+2
Masterwork III+3
Masterwork IV+4
Masterwork V+5
Masterwork VI+6
Masterwork VII+7
Masterwork VIII+8
Masterwork IX+9

One can bestow one ogham boon per tier of item (max: 10 boons)All used skills have the potential to increase at the end of every scenario.
Damage die is always xd4 with 6 being the pc highest
Critical (01-02 on 1d100) adds 1d4.
Player damage cannot exceed 6d4, even if bonuses would indicate otherwise.
Lower than 1d4 damage is either 0, 1, or 1/2d4 (1d2).
Generally, enemies will try to flee, heal, or regroup once they hit 1/2 their hp
Initiative goes in order of highest to lowest MOV, starting with the players.
If caught unawares, initiative starts with the enemies.With the exception of feats, you have one action and one move action. You may opt to sprint for additional movement, but this will use up both your action and move action.When attacking you roll 1d100 for the relevant skill whether that be a weapon attack or a spell attack. If you roll lower than your skill the attack hits. If you roll a 1 or a 2 it's a critical hit and deals an additional 1d4 damage.When being attacked you may choose to dodge, block, or tank. Dodging is an attempt to reduce the damage by moving out of the way (or nullify the damage entirely with the appropriate feats). Blocking is an attempt to reduce the damage by taking the attack onto your weapon or shield. Tanking is an attempt to reduce the damage by taking the attack optimally onto your armor. On a successful roll, damage is reduced. The relevant skills being Dodge for dodging, Fighting: Block for blocking, and Fighting: Armor (light) or Fighting: Armor (heavy) for tanking (depending on what type of armor you're wearing). Dodging reduces damage by half, tanking and blocking reduces damage by armor value.Upon being reduced to 0 HP or AP you die.Currency

10 Copper (cp) per Silver (sp)10 Silver (sp) per Gold (gp)Gold, unlike cp and sp is typically marked in accordance with place of origin. Meaning if you go from one country to another you will have to exchange your gp for gp from that country.

Health and Anam Recovery
Per rest (5-8 hours) you recover 2d4 HP and 2d4 AP, injuries require medical treatment and generally recover during downtime (if recoverable).
Damage Types
Light, searing light.
Dark, the cold of unnatural darkness.Soul, damage to the soul. Deals damage to AP instead of HP.Force, the crushing weight of gravity and telekinesis.Fire, the burning of flames.Rot, necrosis of the flesh.Slashing, the cutting bite of steel and leather.Electric, the power of lightning harnessed.Sonic, the peal of thunderous sound.Choke, asphyxiation by air (or lack thereof). Likely fatal.Drown, Inhalation of liquid. Likely fatal.Cold, the harsh bite of cold.Piercing, the unyielding stab of steel.Bludgeoning, the pain of beating.Poison, the treacherous death of a laced knife.Acid, the burn of chemicals.Cleaving, the death brought by a heavy blade. Severs limbs not protected by steel.Crushing, the death brought by hammer blow. Ignores armor value and breaks bones.

Difficult Rolls
In extremely difficult or unfavorable circumstances make the roll for half of the relevant score or skill (i.e. if it's a STR roll and your STR is 90 you'll be trying to roll 45 or lower).
If a roll is nearly impossible to make, make the roll for one fifth of the relevant score or skill.Religion and PrayerArs Arcanum rewards religious role-play, player characters may spend 5 luck points when praying to receive divine guidance and/or intervention at the Lore Master's approval. Note that this does not work with Religio Imperius, only Eldestry, Bealach na ndéithe, and Crefydd Draconen.

+1 feat during improvement, +100 skill points
Beagan Sí (“little fairies” descended from sí and ainsí)
+5ap, +20 soul
Pixies (descended from Beagan Sí)
+10 ap, fly speed at MOV
Cait Sí (fairy cats descended from Beagan Sí)
+20 smell, +20 Spot
Chúnna Sí (fairy hounds descended from Beagan Sí)
+20 smell, +10 str
Hiena Sí (fairy hyenas descended from Beagan Sí)
+20 smell, +10 Dex
Nathracha Sí (fairy snakes descended from Beagan Sí)
+20 stealth, +10 mov
Firbolg (giants, high humans)
+50 siz (max 100), +20 con (max 100)
Changelings (descended from humans and the Beagan Sí)
change appearance at will, +50 bluff
Half Firbolg
any combination of two traits (firbolg and other race i.e. +50 siz +10 str if the other race was chunna sí)
Half Human
any combination of two traits (human and other race)

Credit Rating 11-50
Skills: Magical Repair, Survivalism, Fighting: Throw, Fighting: One Handed, Pilot: Sky, Lore: Nature, Lore: Medicine, First Aid, Ænergy, WitcheryEquipment: Apothecary Supplies, Flying Broom, Healer's Kit, KnifeDruid
Credit Rating 31-80
Skills: First Aid, Animal Handling, Survivalism, Navigation, Persuade, Track, Fighting: One Handed, Art/Craft, Lore: Myth, Lore: Nature, Lore: Medicine, Lore: Meteorology, Language: Druidic (treat as Language: own), Firmament, Druidry, OghamEquipment: White robes, electrum sickle, druid's rodBard
Credit Rating 31-80
Skills: Charm, Persuade, Intimidate, Listen, Library Use, Language: Other, Art/Craft: Writing, Art/Craft: Singing, Art/Craft: (instrument of your choice), Lore: Myth, Lore: Law, Lore: Politics, Geas, BardryEquipment: instrument of your choice, several journals for songs, lore, etc.Cleric
Credit Rating 21-70
Skills: Persuade, Armor (Light), Fighting: One Handed
Lore: Myth, Lore: Arcanum, Law, Soul, Life/Death, one of your choice
Equipment: Holy Symbol, Vestments, Censer, Incense, a book of rites, a book of myths, a maceRogue
Credit Rating 0-99 (WARNING, your negative reputation with the group(s) you make your money off of is based on your credit rating. i.e. if you have a credit rating of 99 and play a Robin Hood type character your reputation will be -99 with the nobility!)
Skills: Appraise, Bluff, Charm, Climb, Dodge, Fast Talk, Intimidate, Jump, Listen, Locksmithing, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Smell, Stealth, Swim, Track, Fighting: One Handed, Fighting: Ranged (Light), Fighting: Armor (Light), Fighting: Throw, Pilot: Land, Pilot: Sea, Lore: Economics, MentalismEquipment: Black clothing, Black leather armor, short sword, bandolier of daggers, hand crossbow, hip quiver and 20 bolts, and thieves' toolsTradesman (smith, farmer, sculptor, etc.)
Credit Rating 21-70
Skills: Appraise, Magical Repair, Mundane Repair, Language: Other, Art/Craft, Lore: Economics, Two Skills of your choiceEquipment: tools of your trade, a place of business/residenceKnight
Credit Rating 31-70
Skills: Intimidate, Navigation, Use Machinery (Complex), Use Machinery (Simple), Spot, Fighting: CQC, Fighting: Two Handed, Fighting: One Handed, Fighting: Ranged (Heavy), Fighting: Ranged (Light)
Fighting: Block, Fighting: Armor (Heavy), Fighting: Armor (Light), Fighting: Throw, Pilot: Land, Lore: Politics
Equipment: Two weapons of your choice (if you choose a ranged weapon, 20 pieces of ammunition), a shield, armor of your choice, a gambeson in the colors of your service or black if not in service to anyoneNobility
Credit Rating 71-99
Skills: Library Use, Fighting: One Handed, Fighting: Ranged (Light), Fighting: Armor (Heavy), Fighting: Block, Pilot: Land, Art/Craft, Lore: Law, Lore: Politics, Lore: Economics, Persuade, Language: OtherEquipment: signet ring, an estate and 10 acres of land, a rapier, a bow, quiver and 40 arrows, a shield, and a suit of plate mailMerchant
Credit Rating 41-90
Skills: Appraise, Charm, Fast Talk, Persuade, Spot, Language: Other, Pilot: Land, Lore: Economics, two of your choiceEquipment: an additional 100gp, a traveling cart and two horses.Healer
Credit Rating 11-70
Skills: First Aid, Library Use, Survivalism, Spot, Listen, Lore: Nature, Lore: Medicine, two of your choiceWayfarer
Credit Rating 0-40
Skills: Charm, Climb, Jump, Listen, Animal Handling, Survivalism, Navigation, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Stealth, Swim, Pilot: Land, Pilot: Sea, Pilot: Sky, Lore: NatureEquipment: A sturdy walking stickAlchemist
Credit Rating 31-70
Skills: Magical Repair, Mundane Repair, Library Use, Use Machinery (Simple), Use Machinery (Complex), Art/Craft, Lore: Medicine, Lore: Chemistry, Alchemy, Life/DeathEquipment: a residence with a chemistry lab, chemistry supplies, apothecary suppliesMonster Hunter
Credit Rating 11-70
Skills: Climb, First Aid, Intimidate, Jump, Library Use, Animal Handling, Survivalism, Navigation, Listen, Spot, Smell, Stealth, Swim, Track, Lore: Arcanum, Mutation, two fighting skills of your choiceEquipment: a weapon of your choice (and ammunition if your choice is a ranged weapon), armor of your choiceSorcerer
Credit Rating 11-50
Skills: Listen, Animal Handling, Survivalism, Spot, Smell, Language (Other, starts at 1/2 STU), Fighting: Armor (Light), Lore: Nature, Lore: Arcanum, Wyrd, SorceryEquipment: Light armor of your choice, a bestiary, a collection of antidotes for various poisonsHero
Credit Rating 0-50
Skills: Charm, Intimidate, Persuade, Spot, Listen, Climb, Jump, Swim, Four Fighting skills of your choice, Art/Craft (Your Choice), Skill, FeatEquipment: a mythwork weapon of your choice with 1d4 ogham boons on it, mythwork armor or shield of your choice with 1d4 ogham boons on it.Custom
Credit Rating 0-99
Skills: 12 skills of your choiceEquipment: your choice, up to Lore Master's approval

Ability ScoresStrength (STR): 0-100
Strength measures the physical power of a character, reduced to
STR 0, a Champion is totally physically disabled, and unable to move.
Constitution (CON): 0-100
Constitution represents health and vitality. Poisons
and diseases challenge a Champion’s constitution. Champions with a high constitution have
more hit points (HP): meaning they’re better able to withstand injury and attack.
Serious physical injury or magical attack might lower the
score, and if constitution reaches zero, the Champion
Size (SIZ): 0-100
Size averages both height and weight.
To see over an obstacle, to squeeze through a narrow opening, use size. Size helps determine hit points. One might decrease SIZ to indicate the
loss of a body part. If characters lose all SIZ points they disappear.
Dexterity (DEX): 0-100
Characters with higher Dexterity scores are faster, more dextrous (who would have guessed?),
and more flexible. A DEX roll might be made to grab
a falling object, to outmaneuver an opponent,
to accomplish a fine motor task, or to save one’s self from falling. A Champion with zero
DEX is uncoordinated and unable to perform physical tasks.
Charisma (CHA): 0-100
Charisma measures how naturally charming a character is. A person with high CHA is charming and
likable, but may lack conventional good looks. CHA may be useful in social encounters or when trying
to make a good first impression.
Intelligence (INT): 0-100
Intelligence represents how well Champions learn, remember, analyze, and reason. If INT reaches zero, the character
Soul (SOUL): 0-100
SOUL indicates force of will: the higher the SOUL, the higher
the aptitude for magic. A Champion
with zero SOUL is without free will and unable to use magic. Additionally, their anam points are reduced to one. Unless stated otherwise, SOUL
that is lost during the game is lost permanently.
Study (STU): 0-100
Study is a measure of the knowledge and training
possessed by the Champion. A Champion without
STU would be without knowledge of the world.
Move (MOV): 0-100
Mov represents a character's ability to move from place to place. A Champion with 0 MOV is totally ambulatorily disabled and unable to move.
Health (HP): 0-50
Health represents your character's ability to take damage, upon dropping to 0 hit points your character dies.
Anam (AP): 0-50
Anam represents the amount of soul energy one has available for the casting of spells, as well as your character's ability to take soul damage. Upon dropping to 0 anam points your character dies.
Luck (LU): 0-100
Luck represents your character's overall good or poor fortune. A luck score of less than 50 represents poor fortune, and a luck score greater than 50 represents good fortune. You can spend a point of luck at any point to reroll any roll, and luck is increased by 1d4 points any time you make a 1d100 roll of 1 or 2. If a character drops to 0 luck their luck runs out and they die.
Sanity (SAN): 0-100
Sanity represents your character's mental health. Upon experiencing a traumatic experience (for example: combat or losing a limb) you take 1d10 points of sanity damage and the event is added to the traumatic experiences section of your character sheet. You take half as much sanity damage from trauma you have experience with. Upon taking 10 or more sanity damage add PTSD (experience) to the traumatic experiences section of your character sheet, instead of being inured to the trauma you will now take twice as much sanity damage from experiencing trauma related to your PTSD. If you lose all of your sanity your character goes insane and you lose control of your character. Sanity can be replenished 1d4 sanity points at a time during downtime.
Reputation (REP): 0-100
Reputation represents a character's standing with a particular group. You have multiple REP scores as you become aware of them.
Carrying Capacity

STRCarrying CapacityPixieFirbolg

Can lift and carry twice the weight at half movement speedCan push or drag five times the weight at half movement speedMovement Speed

0-3315 feet5 feet
34-6630 feet10 feet
67-9945 feet15 feet
10060 feet20 feet

Sprinting doubles movement speed but uses both your action and move actionHeight




Mundane SkillsAppraise 5%
Bluff 15%
Charm 15%
Climb 20%
Credit Rating x%
0-10 2gp/month
11-20 5gp/month
21-30 10gp/month
31-40 20gp/month
41-50 30 gp/month
51-60 40gp/month
61-70 50gp/month
71-80 100gp/month
81-90 500gp/month
91-99 1000gp/month
100 5000gp/month
Dodge (1/2 Dex)
Magical Repair 10%
Fast Talk 5%
First Aid 25%
Intimidate 15%
Jump 20%
Library Use 10%
Listen 30%
Locksmithing 1%
Mundane Repair 10%
Animal Handling 20%
Survivalism 20%
Navigation 10%
Engineering 10%
Use Machinery (Complex) 1%
Use Machinery (Simple) 50%
Persuade 15%
Sleight of Hand 5%
Spot 30%
Smell 5%
Stealth 25%
Swim 20%
Track 10%
Language: (Own STU, Other 1%)
Imperial (Empire)
Teanga Sióg (Alliance)
Teanga Firbolg (Kingdom)
Coitianta (Common)
Fighting: 20%
CQC (Brawling/Grappling)
Two Handed
One Handed
Ranged (Heavy)
Ranged (Light)
Armor (Heavy)
Armor (Light)
Pilot: 1%
Art/Craft: 5%
Lore: 5%

Mundane FeatsAppraisal I:
(Requires Appraise 10)
You automatically succeed on a praise check for items worth up to 10 gold pieces.
Appraisal II:
(Requires Appraise 30)
You automatically succeed on a praise check for items worth up to 50 gold pieces.
Appraisal III:
(Requires Appraise 50)
You automatically succeed on a praise check for items worth up to 100 gold pieces.
Appraisal IV:
(Requires Appraise 70)
You automatically succeed on a praise check for items worth up to 500 gold pieces.
Appraisal V:
(Requires Appraise 90)
You automatically succeed on a praise check for items worth up to 1,000 gold pieces.
Bluff:Swindle I:
(Requires Bluff 10)
You can swindle your way into better prices, items or services you purchase are 10% less expensive.
Swindle II:
(Requires Bluff 30)
You can swindle your way into better prices, items or services you purchase are 20% less expensive.
Swindle III:
(Requires Bluff 50)
You can swindle your way into better prices, items or services you purchase are 30% less expensive.
Swindle IV:
(Requires Bluff 70)
You can swindle your way into better prices, items or services you purchase are 40% less expensive.
Swindle V:
(Requires Bluff 90)
You can swindle your way into better prices, items or services you purchase are 50% less expensive.
Con I:
(Requires Bluff 10)
You con your way into higher prices, items or services you offer are 10% more expensive.
Con II:
(Requires Bluff 30)
You con your way into higher prices, items or services you offer are 20% more expensive.
Con III:
(Requires Bluff 50)
You con your way into higher prices, items or services you offer are 30% more expensive.
Con IV:
(Requires Bluff 70)
You con your way into higher prices, items or services you offer are 40% more expensive.
Con V:
(Requires Bluff 90)
You con your way into higher prices, items or services you offer are 50% more expensive.
Disguise I:
(Requires Bluff 30)
You can disguise yourself, taking on the appearance of someone with 10 points more or less reputation than you.
Disguise II:
(Requires Bluff 60)
You can disguise yourself, taking on the appearance of someone with 20 points more or less reputation than you.
Disguise III:
(Requires Bluff 90)
You can disguise yourself, taking on the appearance of someone with 30 more or less reputation than you.
Master of Disguise:
(Requires Bluff 70)
The reputation value of your disguises is doubled.
Charm:Flattery I:
(Requires Charm 10)
You have advantage on charm rolls for people with 10 points more or less reputation than you.
Flattery II:
(Requires Charm 30)
You have advantage on charm rolls for people with 20 points more or less reputation than you.
Flattery III:
(Requires Charm 50)
You have advantage on charm rolls for people with 30 points more or less reputation than you.
Flattery I:
(Requires Charm 70)
You have advantage on charm rolls for people with 40 points more or less reputation than you.
Flattery I:
(Requires Charm 90)
You have advantage on charm rolls for people with 50 points more or less reputation than you.
(Requires Charm 70)
The reputation value of flattery is doubled.
(Requires Climb 25 and Jump 25)
You can use your climb or jump skill to do parkour.
Rock Climbing:
(Requires Climb 30)
You are able to do rock climbing without equipment, and have advantage on a climb check for rock climbing when using equipment.
Fast Climb:
(Requires Climb 50)
You’re able to climb at your full movement speed. Instead of half.
Rapid Climb:
(Requires Climb 70)
You’re able to climb at your 1.5x movement speed.
Dodge:Perfect Dodge:
(Requires Dodge 50)
You take no damage on a successful dodge.
Quickened Dodge:
(Requires Dodge 60)
You can take a move action after a successful dodge.
Wide Closed:
(Requires Dodge 70)
You take half area of effect damage on a successful dodge.
Magical Repair:Magical Repair I:
(Requires Magical Repair 10)
You can repair Masterwork I items.
Magical Repair II:
(Requires Magical Repair 20)
You can repair Masterwork II items.
Magical Repair III:
(Requires Magical Repair 30)
You can repair Masterwork III items.
Magical Repair IV:
(Requires Magical Repair 40)
You can repair Masterwork IV items.
Magical Repair V:
(Requires Magical Repair 50)
You can repair Masterwork V items.
Magical Repair VI:
(Requires Magical Repair 60)
You can repair Master Work VI items.
Magical Repair VII:
(Requires Magical Repair 70)
You can repair Master Work VII items.
Magical Repair VIII:
(Requires Magical Repair 80)
You can repair Master Work VIII items.
Magical Repair IX:
(Requires Magical Repair 90)
You can repair Master Work IX items.
Magical Repair X:
(Requires Magical Repair 100)
You can repair Mythwork items.
Mundane Repair:Mundane Repair I:
(Requires Mundane Repair 10)
You can repair items worth up to 10 gold pieces.
Mundane Repair II:
(Requires Mundane Repair 30)
You can repair items worth up to 50 gold pieces.
Mundane Repair III:
(Requires Mundane Repair 50)
You can repair items worth up to 100 gold pieces.
Mundane Repair IV:
(Requires Mundane Repair 70)
You can repair items worth up to 250 gold pieces.
Mundane Repair V:
(Requires Mundane Repair 90)
You can repair items worth up to 500+ gold pieces.
Fast Talk:Bewilderment:
(Requires Fast Talk 25)
You have advantage on fast talk checks made to confuse people.
(Requires Fast Talk 50)
You have advantage on fast talk checks made to get people to agree to things.
(Requires Fast Talk 70)
You have advantage on fast talk checks made to deescalate conflicts.
First Aid:Blood Lore:
(Requires First Aid 25)
You can stop bleeding and perform blood transfusions. A blood transfusion heals the target for 1d4 points of HP.
Burn Lore:
(Requires First Aid 35)
You can treat burns and perform skin grafts.
Bone Lore:
(Requires First Aid 45)
You can set and treat broken bones.
Disease Lore:
(Requires First Aid 45 and Lore: Medicine 45)
You can diagnose and treat diseases.
Poison Lore:
(Requires First Aid 55 and Lore: Medicine 55)
You can diagnose and treat poisoning, this requires the source of the poison for preparing an antidote or antivenom.
Nerve Lore:
(Requires First Aid 65 and Lore: Medicine 65)
You can treat nerve damage.
Organ Lore:
(Requires First Aid 75 and Lore: Medicine 75)
You can diagnose and treat organ damage and perform organ transplants.
Vaccine Lore:
(Requires First Aid 85 and Lore: Medicine 85)
You can create vaccines and administer them.
Brain Lore:
(Requires First Aid 95 and Lore: Medicine 95)
You can treat brain damage and perform brain surgery.
(Requires Intimidate 30)
You do not suffer disadvantage on causing the target to take actions that would negatively affect them.
(Requires Intimidate 50)
You have advantage on your intimidate check if you have blackmail.
Cow I:
(Requires Intimidate 30)
You terrify the target, reducing their defensive skills by 15 points.
Cow II:
(Requires Intimidate 60)
You terrify the target, reducing their defensive skills by 30 points.
Cow III:
(Requires Intimidate 90)
You terrify the target, reducing their defensive skills by 45 points.
Jump:Long Jump:
(Requires Jump 50)
You can use a long stick or similar item to jump a distance of 5 times your movement speed.
(Requires Jump 70)
You can jump your height rather than half your height.
(Requires Listen 50 and Stealth 25)
You have advantage on your stealth checks when eavesdropping.
Locksmithing:Lockpick I:
(Requires Locksmithing 10)
You can pick Masterwork I locks.
Lockpick II:
(Requires Locksmithing 20)
You can pick Masterwork II locks.
Lockpick III:
(Requires Locksmithing 30)
You can pick Masterwork III locks.
Lockpick IV:
(Requires Locksmithing 40)
You can pick Masterwork IV locks.
Lockpick V:
(Requires Locksmithing 50)
You can pick Masterwork V locks.
Lockpick VI:
(Requires Locksmithing 60)
You can pick Master Work VI locks.
Lockpick VII:
(Requires Locksmithing 70)
You can pick Master Work VII locks.
Lockpick VIII:
(Requires Locksmithing 80)
You can pick Master Work VIII locks.
Lockpick IX:
(Requires Locksmithing 90)
You can pick Master Work IX locks.
Lockpick X:
(Requires Locksmithing 100)
You can pick Mythwork locks.
Disarm Traps I:
(Requires Locksmithing 10)
You can disarm Masterwork I traps.
Disarm Traps II:
(Requires Locksmithing 20)
You can disarm Masterwork II traps.
Disarm Traps III:
(Requires Locksmithing 30)
You can disarm Masterwork III traps.
Disarm Traps IV:
(Requires Locksmithing 40)
You can disarm Masterwork IV traps.
Disarm Traps V:
(Requires Locksmithing 50)
You can disarm Masterwork V traps.
Disarm Traps VI:
(Requires Locksmithing 60)
You can disarm Master Work VI traps.
Disarm Traps VII:
(Requires Locksmithing 70)
You can disarm Master Work VII traps.
Disarm Traps VIII:
(Requires Locksmithing 80)
You can disarm Master Work VIII traps.
Disarm Traps IX:
(Requires Locksmithing 90)
You can disarm Master Work IX traps.
Disarm Traps X:
(Requires Locksmithing 100)
You can disarm Mythwork traps.
(Requires Engineering 25)
You learn how to tinker and can make minor modifications to things.
Analyze Structure:
(Requires Engineering 50)
You analyze a structure, detemining things such as structural weaknesses and other details of the structure.
Analyze Machine:
(Requires Engineering 70 and Use Machine (Complex) 50)
You analyze a machine, detemining things such as structural weaknesses and other information about the machine.
Animal Handling:Animal Friendship I:
(Requires Animal Handling 30)
You can use your Animal Handling check to befriend domesticated animals.
Animal Friendship II:
(Requires Animal Handling 60)
You can use your Animal Handling check to befriend wild animals.
Animal Friendship III:
(Requires Animal Handling 90)
You can use your Animal Handling check to befriend hostile animals.
Navigation:Internal Compass:
(Requires Navigation 50)
You always know the cardinal directions.
(Requires Navigation 70)
You always know the approximate distance in miles to locations that you have been to.
Persuade:Barter I:
(Requires Persuade 10)
You can use your Persuade check to haggle, getting 10% better prices on buying and selling items or services.
Barter II:
(Requires Persuade 30)
You can use your Persuade check to haggle, getting 20% better prices on buying and selling items or services.
Barter III:
(Requires Persuade 50)
You can use your Persuade check to haggle, getting 30% better prices on buying and selling items or services.
Barter IV:
(Requires Persuade 70)
You can use your Persuade check to haggle, getting 40% better prices on buying and selling items or services.
Barter V:
(Requires Persuade 90)
You can use your Persuade check to haggle, getting 50% better prices on buying and selling items or services.
Sleight of Hand:Fishing I:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 10)
You can pickpocket up to 10 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Fishing II:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 30)
You can pickpocket up to 50 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Fishing III:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 50)
You can pickpocket up to 100 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Fishing IV:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 70)
You can pickpocket up to 250 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Fishing V:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 90)
You can pickpocket up to 500+ gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Reverse Fishing I:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 10)
You can place up to 10 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Reverse Fishing II:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 30)
You can place up to 50 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Reverse Fishing III:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 50)
You can place up to 100 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Reverse Fishing IV:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 70)
You can place up to 250 gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Reverse Fishing V:
(Requires Sleight of Hand 90)
You can place up to 500+ gold pieces worth of items, without your target noticing on a successful sleight of hand check.
Stealth:Sneak Attack I:
(Requires Stealth 10)
You can attack from stealth, dealing 1d4 additional points of damage, doing so breaks your stealth.
Sneak Attack II:
(Requires Stealth 30)
You can attack from stealth, dealing 2d4 additional points of damage, doing so breaks your stealth.
Sneak Attack III:
(Requires Stealth 50)
You can attack from stealth, dealing 3d4 additional points of damage, doing so breaks your stealth.
Sneak Attack IV:
(Requires Stealth 70)
You can attack from stealth, dealing 4d4 additional points of damage, doing so breaks your stealth.
Sneak Attack V:
(Requires Stealth 90)
You can attack from stealth, dealing 5d4 additional points of damage, doing so breaks your stealth.
Hide in Plain Sight:
(Requires Stealth 70)
You can perform a Stealth check in situations that ordinarily confer disadvantage.
Fighting:Fighting: CQCBrawling I:
(Requires Fighting: CQC 30)
Your unarmed attacks do 1d4 damage.
Brawling II:
(Requires Fighting: CQC 60)
Your unarmed attacks do 2d4 damage.
Brawling III:
(Requires Fighting: CQC 90)
Your unarmed attacks do 3d4 damage.
Flurry of Blows:
(Requires Fighting: CQC 60)
You get 1 additional attack when making an unarmed attack.
(Requires Fighting: CQC 50)
On a successful Grappling check, you can disarm your opponent.
Redirect:(Requires Fighting: CQC 70)
You can use your Grappling check as a defensive roll, and on a successful check you can redirect your opponent’s attack elsewhere, provided it is a melee attack.
Fighting: Armor (Light):Light Protection I:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Light) 10)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 1 point.
Light Protection II:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Light) 30)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 2 points.
Light Protection III:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Light) 50)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 3 points.
Light Protection IV:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Light) 70)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 4 points.
Light Protection V:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Light) 90)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 5 points.
Fighting: Armor (Heavy)Heavy Protection I:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Heavy) 10)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 1 point.
Heavy Protection II:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Heavy) 30)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 2 points.
Heavy Protection III:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Heavy) 50)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 3 points.
Heavy Protection IV:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Heavy) 70)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 4 points.
Heavy Protection V:
(Requires Fighting: Armor (Heavy) 90)
You increase the armor value of the armor you’re wearing by 5 points.
Fighting: BlockShield I:
(Requires Fighting: Block 10)
You increase the armor value of the shield you’re using by 1 point.
Shield II:
(Requires Fighting: Block 30)
You increase the armor value of the shield you’re using by 2 points.
Shield III:
(Requires Fighting: Block 50)
You increase the armor value of the shield you’re using by 3 points.
Shield IV:
(Requires Fighting: Block 70)
You increase the armor value of the shield you’re using by 4 points.
Shield V:
(Requires Fighting: Block 90)
You increase the armor value of the shield you’re using by 5 points.
(Requires Fighting: Block 50)
You have perfecting the art of catching ranged attacks on your shield, on a successful Block check, negate the damage of ranged attacks entirely.

Weapon Block I:
(Requires Fighting: Block 10)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 1 point on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block II:
(Requires Fighting: Block 20)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 2 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block III:
(Requires Fighting: Block 30)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 3 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block IV:
(Requires Fighting: Block 40)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 4 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block V:
(Requires Fighting: Block 50)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 5 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block VI:
(Requires Fighting: Block 60)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 6 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block VII:
(Requires Fighting: Block 70)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 7 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block VIII:
(Requires Fighting: Block 80)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 8 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block IX:
(Requires Fighting: Block 90)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 9 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Weapon Block X:
(Requires Fighting: Block 100)
You catch an attack on your weapon, reducing the damage of the attack by 10 points on a successful Fighting: Block check.
Fighting: One-Handed:One-Handed Might I:
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 10)
You increase the amount of damage you do with One-Handed weapons by 1 point.
One-Handed Might II:
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 30)
You increase the amount of damage you do with One-Handed weapons by 2 points.
One-Handed Might III:
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 50)
You increase the amount of damage you do with One-Handed weapons by 3 points.
One-Handed Might IV:
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 70)
You increase the amount of damage you do with One-Handed weapons by 4 points.
One-Handed Might V:
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 90)
You increase the amount of damage you do with One-Handed weapons by 5 points.
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 50)
You fake an attack, giving your target -25 on their defensive rolls next round.
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 50, Weapon Block I or higher)
You follow up a successful block with your weapon with an immediate attack.
One-Handed Speed:
(Requires Fighting: One-Handed 70)
You get 1 additional attack when making a One-Handed weapon attack.
Fighting: Two-Handed:Two-Handed Might I:
(Requires Fighting: Two-Handed 10)
You increase the amount of damage you do with Two-Handed weapons by 1 point.
Two-Handed Might II:
(Requires Fighting: Two-Handed 30)
You increase the amount of damage you do with Two-Handed weapons by 2 points.
Two-Handed Might III:
(Requires Fighting: Two-Handed 50)
You increase the amount of damage you do with Two-Handed weapons by 3 points.
Two-Handed Might IV:
(Requires Fighting: Two-Handed 70)
You increase the amount of damage you do with Two-Handed weapons by 4 points.
Two-Handed Might V:
(Requires Fighting: Two-Handed 90)
You increase the amount of damage you do with Two-Handed weapons by 5 points.
Two-Handed Speed:
(Requires Fighting: Two-Handed 70)
You get 1 additional attack when making a Two-Handed weapon attack.
Fighting: Ranged (Light)
Light Precision I:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Light) 10)
Your light-ranged attacks do 1 additional point of damage.
Light Precision II:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Light) 30)
Your light-ranged attacks do 2 additional points of damage.
Light Precision III:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Light) 50)
Your light-ranged attacks do 3 additional points of damage.
Light Precision IV:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Light) 70)
Your light-ranged attacks do 4 additional points of damage.
Light Precision V:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Light) 90)
Your light-ranged attacks do 5 additional points of damage.
Quick Draw:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Light) 70)
You get 1 additional attack when making a light-ranged attack.
Fighting: Ranged (Heavy)Heavy Precision I:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Heavy) 10)
Your heavy-ranged attacks do 1 additional point of damage.
Heavy Precision II:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Heavy) 30)
Your heavy-ranged attacks do 2 additional points of damage.
Heavy Precision III:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Heavy) 50)
Your heavy-ranged attacks do 3 additional points of damage.
Heavy Precision IV:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Heavy) 70)
Your heavy-ranged attacks do 4 additional points of damage.
Heavy Precision V:
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Heavy) 90)
Your heavy-ranged attacks do 5 additional points of damage.
(Requires Fighting: Ranged (Heavy) 70)
You get 1 additional attack when making a heavy-ranged attack.
Fighting: ExoticStrike I:
(Requires Fighting: Exotic 10)
Your attacks with whips do an additional 1 point of damage.
Strike II:
(Requires Fighting: Exotic 30)
Your attacks with whips do an additional 2 points of damage.
Strike III:
(Requires Fighting: Exotic 50)
Your attacks with whips do an additional 3 points of damage.
Strike IV:
(Requires Fighting: Exotic 70)
Your attacks with whips do an additional 4 points of damage.
Strike V:
(Requires Fighting: Exotic 90)
Your attacks with whips do an additional 5 points of damage.
Net Mastery:
(Requires Fighting: Exotic 60)Your opponents have disadvantage to escape from your net.
Crafting I:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 10)
You can craft Masterwork I items.
Crafting III:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 20)
You can craft Masterwork II items.
Crafting III:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 30)
You can craft Masterwork III items.
Crafting IV:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 40)
You can craft Masterwork IV items.
Crafting V:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 50)
You can craft Masterwork V items.
Crafting VI:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 60)
You can craft Masterwork VI items.
Crafting VII:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 70)
You can craft Masterwork VII items.
Crafting VIII:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 80)
You can craft Masterwork VIII items.
Crafting IX:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 90)
You can craft Masterwork IX items.
Crafting X:
(Requires Art/Craft: (Skill) 100)
You can craft Mythwork items.

Magical SkillsSacred Magic
Law 10%
Firmament 10%
Soul 10%
Life/Death 10%
Ænergy 10%
Geas 10%
Wyrd 10%
Skill 10%
Feat 10%
Arcane MagicAlchemy 10%
Sorcery 10%
Witchery 10%
Druidry 10%
Bardry 10%
Profane Magic
Mutation 10%
Mentalism 10%
Ogham 10%

Magical FeatsSACRED MAGICPrimordial Spells:
Bless I:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 10)
You place your hands on someone and imbue them with divine protection, reduce damage received by 25%
Effect only applies once, after they take the reduced damage, the effect ends.
cost: 1 AP
Bless II:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 30)
You place your hands on someone and imbue them with divine protection, reduce damage received by 50%
Effect only applies once, after they take the reduced damage, the effect ends.
cost: 2 AP
Bless III:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 50)
You place your hands on someone and imbue them with divine protection, reduce damage received by 75%
Effect only applies once, after they take the reduced damage, the effect ends.
cost: 3 AP
Bless IV:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 70)
You place your hands on someone and imbue them with divine protection, nullifies damage completely
Effect only applies once, after they take the reduced damage, the effect ends.
cost: 4 AP
Bless V:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 90)
You place your hands on someone and imbue them with divine protection, nullifies damage completely.
Effect applies twice, after they take the reduced damage, the effect ends.
cost: 5 AP
Consecrate I:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 10)
For an additional 2 AP, you can cast bless at range upon anybody that you choose within 50 feet.
Consecrate II:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 30)
For an additional 4 AP, you can cast bless at range upon anybody that you choose within 100 feet.
Consecrate III:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 50)
For an additional 6 AP, you can cast bless at range upon anybody that you choose within 500 feet.
Consecrate IV:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 70)
For an additional 8 AP, you can cast bless at range upon anybody that you choose within 1000 feet
Consecrate V:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 90)
For an additional 10 AP, you can cast bless at range upon anybody that you choose within 1 mile.
Curse I:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 10)
You place your hands on someone and smite them with the wrath of the divine, increase damage received by 25%
Effect only applies once, after they take the increased damage, the effect ends.
cost: 1 AP
Curse II:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 30)
You place your hands on someone and smite them with the wrath of the divine, increase damage received by 50%
Effect only applies once, after they take the increased damage, the effect ends.
cost: 2 AP
Curse III:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 50)
You place your hands on someone and smite them with the wrath of the divine, increase damage received by 75%
Effect only applies once, after they take the increased damage, the effect ends.
cost: 3 AP
Curse IV:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 70)
You place your hands on someone and smite them with the wrath of the divine, increase damage by 100%
Effect only applies once, after they take the increased damage, the effect ends.
cost: 4 AP
Curse V:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 90)
You place your hands on someone and smite them with the wrath of the divine, increase damage by 100%
Effect applies twice, after they take the increased damage, the effect ends.
cost: 5 AP
Desecrate I:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 10)
For an additional 2 AP, you can cast curse at range upon anybody that you choose within 50 feet.
Desecrate II:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 30)
For an additional 4 AP, you can cast curse at range upon anybody that you choose within 100 feet.
Desecrate III:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 50)
For an additional 6 AP, you can cast curse at range upon anybody that you choose within 500 feet.
Desecrate IV:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 70)
For an additional 8 AP, you can cast curse at range upon anybody that you choose within 1000 feet
Desecrate V:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 90)
For an additional 10 AP, you can cast curse at range upon anybody that you choose within 1 mile.
Shield of Law I:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 25)
Your bless spells additionally give the recipient advantage on a defensive role of their choice (Dodge, Block, Tank) This can stack with consecrate for an additional 5 AP
Shield of Law II:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 50)
Your bless spells additionally give the recipient advantage on 2 defensive roles of their choice (Dodge, Block, Tank) This can stack with consecrate for an additional 7 AP
Shield of Law III:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 75)
Your bless spells additionally give the recipient advantage on all defensive roles of their choice (Dodge, Block, Tank) This can stack with consecrate for an additional 9 AP
Sword of Law I:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 25)
Your curse spells additionally give the recipient disadvantage on a defensive role of your choice (Dodge, Block, Tank) This can stack with desecrate for an additional 5 AP
Sword of Law II:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 50)
Your curse spells additionally give the recipient disadvantage on 2 defensive roles of your choice (Dodge, Block, Tank) This can stack with desecrate for an additional 7 AP
Sword of Law III:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 75)
Your curse spells additionally give the recipient disadvantage on all defensive roles of your choice (Dodge, Block, Tank) This can stack with desecrate for an additional 9 AP
Cleric Fire I:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 10)
You create a ball of cleric fire in your hand, you can choose whether it is a soothing white flame or a damaging black flame. You can cast sacred magic spells into the flame, and have them use the flames range. To do so requires 2 different actions, casting cleric fire, and then casting the sacred magic spell and throwing the flame. Alternatively, you can cast and then immediately throw the cleric fire, or hold the cleric fire. If one is holding cleric fire, they can strike somebody with it at a range of touch. The range of cleric fire when thrown is 50 feet, when it reaches its destination, the fire explodes in a 5-foot dome either healing 1d4 AP or HP (Your choice) to everyone in the dome, or deals 1d4 damage AP or HP to everyone in the dome. The default damage type is fire.
Cost: 2 AP
Cleric Fire II:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 30)
You create a ball of cleric fire in your hand, you can choose whether it is a soothing white flame or a damaging black flame. You can cast sacred magic spells into the flame, and have them use the flames range. To do so requires 2 different actions, casting cleric fire, and then casting the sacred magic spell and throwing the flame. Alternatively, you can cast and then immediately throw the cleric fire, or hold the cleric fire. If one is holding cleric fire, they can strike somebody with it at a range of touch. The range of cleric fire when thrown is 100 feet, when it reaches its destination, the fire explodes in a 10-foot dome either healing 2d4 AP or HP (Your choice) to everyone in the dome, or deals 2d4 damage AP or HP to everyone in the dome. The default damage type is fire.
Cost: 4 AP
Cleric Fire III:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 50)
You create a ball of cleric fire in your hand, you can choose whether it is a soothing white flame or a damaging black flame. You can cast sacred magic spells into the flame, and have them use the flames range. To do so requires 2 different actions, casting cleric fire, and then casting the sacred magic spell and throwing the flame. Alternatively, you can cast and then immediately throw the cleric fire, or hold the cleric fire. If one is holding cleric fire, they can strike somebody with it at a range of touch. The range of cleric fire when thrown is 500 feet, when it reaches its destination, the fire explodes in a 15-foot dome either healing 3d4 AP or HP (Your choice) to everyone in the dome, or deals 3d4 damage AP or HP to everyone in the dome. The default damage type is fire.
Cost: 6 AP
Cleric Fire IV:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 70)
You create a ball of cleric fire in your hand, you can choose whether it is a soothing white flame or a damaging black flame. You can cast sacred magic spells into the flame, and have them use the flames range. To do so requires 2 different actions, casting cleric fire, and then casting the sacred magic spell and throwing the flame. Alternatively, you can cast and then immediately throw the cleric fire, or hold the cleric fire. If one is holding cleric fire, they can strike somebody with it at a range of touch. The range of cleric fire when thrown is 1000 feet, when it reaches its destination, the fire explodes in a 20-foot dome either healing 4d4 AP or HP (Your choice) to everyone in the dome, or deals 4d4 damage AP or HP to everyone in the dome. The default damage type is fire.
Cost: 8 AP
Cleric Fire V:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 90)
You create a ball of cleric fire in your hand, you can choose whether it is a soothing white flame or a damaging black flame. You can cast sacred magic spells into the flame, and have them use the flames range. To do so requires 2 different actions, casting cleric fire, and then casting the sacred magic spell and throwing the flame. Alternatively, you can cast and then immediately throw the cleric fire, or hold the cleric fire. If one is holding cleric fire, they can strike somebody with it at a range of touch. The range of cleric fire when thrown is 1 mile, when it reaches its destination, the fire explodes in a 30-foot dome either healing 5d4 AP or HP (Your choice) to everyone in the dome, or deals 5d4 damage AP or HP to everyone in the dome. The default damage type is fire.
Cost: 10 AP
Holy Flame:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 50)
Cleric fire can instead explode in a ball of light, dealing its normal burning damage and an additional 1d4 light damage.
Cursed Flame:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 50)
Cleric fire can instead explode in a ball of shadow, dealing its normal burning damage and an additional 1d4 dark damage.
Fire Eater:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 75)
You can consume your flame and heal yourself for twice the amount that cleric fire would normally heal. OR maximum roll (6d4) whichever is lower.
Using your soothing cleric fire in this way costs an additional 5 AP.
Light I:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 10)
You can manipulate light within a range of 50 feet.
(Using this spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 1 AP
Light II:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 30)
You can manipulate light within a range of 100 feet.
(Using this spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Light III:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 50)
You can manipulate light within a range of 500 feet.
(Using this spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 3 AP
Light IV:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 70)
You can manipulate light within a range of 1000 feet.
(Using this spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Light V:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 90)
You can manipulate light within a range of 1 mile.
(Using this spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 5 AP
Spear of light I:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 10)
You point, and from your fingertips extends a blinding beam of light. Inflicts 1d2 light damage. This spell punctures non-armored enemies. This spell's range is 30 feet.
Cost: 1 AP
Spear of light II:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 30)
You point, and from your fingertips extends a blinding beam of light. Inflicts 1d4 light damage. This spell punctures non-armored enemies. This spell's range is 30 feet.
Cost: 2 AP
Spear of light III:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 50)
You point, and from your fingertips extends a blinding beam of light. Inflicts 1d4+2 light damage. This spell punctures non-armored enemies. This spell's range is 30 feet.
Cost: 3 AP
Spear of light IV:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 70)
You point, and from your fingertips extends a blinding beam of light. Inflicts 2d4 light damage. This spell punctures non-armored enemies. This spell's range is 30 feet.
Cost: 4 AP
Spear of light V:
Law - Active
(Requires Law 90)
You point, and from your fingertips extends a blinding beam of light. Inflicts 2d4+2 light damage. This spell punctures non-armored enemies. This spell's range is 30 feet.
Cost: 5 AP
Searing Light:
Law - Passive
(Requires Law 90)
Your spear of light spells puncture armor and shields. Additionally, this means that your spear of light spells cannot be blocked or tanked unless otherwise specified.
Firmament:Weather I:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 10)
This spell allows for mild manipulation of the weather, to include cloud cover, temperature, and wind direction and speed. Unable to deal damage. Changes to the weather cannot be to an extreme degree as determined by the Lore Master.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Weather II:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 30)
This spell allows for moderate manipulation of the weather, to include cloud cover, temperature, and wind direction and speed. Unable to deal damage. Changes to the weather cannot be to an extreme degree as determined by the Lore Master.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Weather III:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 50)
This spell allows for severe manipulation of the weather, to include cloud cover, temperature, precipitation (Hail deals up to 1d4 bludgeoning damage, at the Lore Master's discretion.), and wind direction and speed. Changes to the weather cannot be to an extreme degree as determined by the Lore Master.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 6 AP
Weather IV:
(Requires Firmament 70)
This spell allows for dangerous manipulation of the weather, to include cloud cover, temperature, precipitation, storms, and wind direction and speed. Weather damage can deal up to 3d4 damage, at the Lore Master's discretion. Changes to the weather cannot be to an extreme degree as determined by the Lore Master.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 8 AP
Weather V:
(Requires Firmament 90)
This spell allows for extreme manipulation of the weather, to include cloud cover, temperature, precipitation, storms, tornadoes, heat waves, cold snaps, hurricanes, and wind direction and speed. Weather damage can deal up to 5d4 damage, at the Lore Master's discretion.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Hail deals bludgeoning damage.
Tornadoes deal a combination of slashing and choke damage.
Heatwaves deal burning damage.
Cold snaps deal cold damage.
Hurricanes deal damage based on the type of precipitation, as well as slashing damage.
Wind deals slashing damage.
Lightning deals sonic damage.
Cost: 10 AP
Soul of Storms I:
Firmament - Passive
(Requires Firmament 50)
The weather is a part of you now, you can feel it in your bones and your soul. This allows you to establish a zone of safety (an area that is safe from weather damage) or a zone of danger (an area in which weather damage is concentrated). Range of danger or safety zone up to 500 feet. Maintaining these zones requires Concentration for each zone.
Cost: 0 AP
Soul of Storms II:
Firmament - Passive
(Requires Firmament 70)
The weather is a part of you now, you can feel it in your bones and your soul. This allows you to establish zones of safety (an area that is safe from weather damage) or zones of danger (an area in which weather damage is concentrated). Can create 2 like zones or one of each. Range of danger or safety zones up to 1000 feet. Maintaining these zones requires Concentration for each zone.
Cost: 0 AP
Soul of Storms III:
Firmament - Passive
(Requires Firmament 90)
The weather is a part of you now, you can feel it in your bones and your soul. Additionally, your skin and eyes crackle with sparks of electricity and your hair floats about independently of the wind. This allows you to establish 3 zones of safety (an area that is safe from weather damage) or 3 zones of danger (an area in which weather damage is concentrated). Can create 3 like zones or a 2:1 ratio of each. Range of danger or safety zones of up to 1 mile. Maintaining these zones requires Concentration for each zone.
Cost: 0 AP
Gravity I:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 10)
You can increase or decrease gravity strength within an area of 10 feet that you can control at will. If increased, those affected’s move and jump is reduced by 20%. If decreased, those affected’s move and jump is increased by 20%.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 3 AP

Gravity II:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 30)
You can increase or decrease gravity strength within an area of 20 feet that you can control at will. If increased, those affected move and jump is reduced by 40%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful strength roll. If decreased, those affected move and jump is increased by 40%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful dexterity roll.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 6 AP
Gravity III:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 50)
You can increase or decrease gravity strength within an area of 30 feet that you can control at will. If increased, those affected move and jump is reduced by 60%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful strength roll. Those affected suffer 2d4 crushing force damage. If decreased, those affected move and jump is increased by 60%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful dexterity roll.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 9 AP
Gravity IV:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 70)
You can increase or decrease gravity strength within an area of 50 feet that you can control at will. If increased, those affected move and jump is reduced by 80%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful strength roll. Those affected suffer 4d4 crushing force damage. If decrease, those affected move and jump is increased by 80%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful dexterity roll.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 12 AP
Gravity V:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 90)
You can increase or decrease gravity strength within an area of 100 feet that you can control at will. If increased, those affected move and jump is reduced by 100%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful strength roll. Those affected suffer 5d4 crushing force damage. If decrease, those affected move and jump is increased by 100%. Additionally, physical acts require a successful dexterity roll. Those affected suffer 2d4 choking damage every turn.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 15 AP
Flight I:
Firmament – Active
(Requires Firmament 10)
You can fly at a speed of 30 feet and up to a height of 10 feet.
Cost: 2 AP
Flight II:
Firmament – Active
(Requires Firmament 30)
You can fly at a speed of 40 feet and up to a height of 50 feet.
Cost: 3 AP
Flight III:
Firrmament – Active
(Requires firmament 50)
You can fly at a speed of 50 feet and a height of 100 feet.
Cost: 4 AP
Flight IV:
Firmament – Active
(Requires firmament 70)
You can fly at a speed of 60 feet and a height of 500 feet.
Cost: 5 AP
Flight V:
Firmament – Active
(Requires firmament 90)
You can fly at a speed of 100 feet and a height of 1000 feet.
Cost: 6 AP
Lightweight I:
Firmament – Passive
(Requires Firmament 50)
The height of your flight spells are doubled.
Featherweight I:
Firmament – Passive
(Requires Firmament 70)
The height of your flight spells are tripled.
Windrunner I:
Firmament - Passive
(Requires Firmament 90)
The height of your flight spell are quintupled. You can walk on air as long as you are maintaining your altitude or descending, additionally, you can only fall at will or if you are forced to do so.
Slipstream I:
Firmament - Passive
(Requires Firmament 50)
The speed of your flight spells are doubled.
Sonic Boom I:
Firmament – Passive
(Requires Firmament 70)
You travel at a speed of 350 miles per second. Dealing 1d4 sonic damage in a radius of 100 feet where you depart, and another 1d4 sonic damage within a 100 foot radius where you arrive.
Levitate I:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 25)
A target you touch that is not any greater than 50 square feet close, and has no weight.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 1 AP
Levitate II:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 50)
Up to 2 targets you touch that are not any greater than 50 square feet close, and has no weight.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Levitate III:
Firmament - Active
(Requires Firmament 75)
Up to 3 targets you touch that are not any greater than 50 square feet close, and has no weight.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 3 AP
Soul:Soul Strike I:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 10)
Deals 1d2 soul damage to a target that you can see. Soul damage deals damage to AP.
Cost: 1 AP
Soul Strike II:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 30)
Deals 1d4 soul damage to a target that you can see. Soul damage deals damage to AP.
Cost: 2 AP
Soul Strike III:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 50)
Deals 2d4 soul damage to a target that you can see. Soul damage deals damage to AP.
Cost: 3 AP
Soul Strike IV:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 70)
Deals 3d4 soul damage to a target that you can see. Soul damage deals damage to AP.
Cost: 4 AP
Soul Strike V:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 90)
Deals 4d4 soul damage to a target that you can see. Soul damage deals damage to AP.
Cost: 5 AP
Soul Heal I:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 10)
Heals 1d2 AP for a target that you can see. Soul Healing restores AP.
Cost: 1 AP
Soul Heal II:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 30)
Heals 1d4 AP for a target that you can see. Soul Healing restores AP.
Cost: 2 AP
Soul Heal III:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 50)
Heals 2d4 AP for a target that you can see. Soul Healing restores AP.
Cost: 3 AP
Soul Heal IV:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 70)
Heals 3d4 AP for a target that you can see. Soul Healing restores AP.
Cost: 4 AP
Soul Heal V:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 90)
Heals 4d4 AP for a target that you can see. Soul Healing restores AP.
Cost: 5 AP
Soul Mastery I:
Soul - Passive
(Requires Soul 50)
Your damaging soul spells deal an additional 1d4 soul damage, your healing soul spells restore an additional 1d4 AP.
Soul Mastery II:
Soul - Passive
(Requires Soul 90)
Your damaging soul spells deal an additional 2d4 soul damage, your healing soul spells restore an additional 2d4 AP.
Soul Siphon I:
Soul - Passive
(Requires Soul 60)
Your damaging soul spells restore your AP for half the damage dealt.
Hardened Soul I:
Soul – Passive
(Requires Soul 50)
You take half as much soul damage per instance.
Cost: 1 AP
Hardened Soul II:
Soul – Passive
(Requires Soul 70)
You are immune to soul damage per instance.
Cost: 1 AP
Soul Release I:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 25)
You can release one target you can see from summoning.
Cost: 2 AP
Soul Release II:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 50)
You can release up to two targets you can see from summoning.
Cost: 2 AP
Soul Release III:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 75)
You can release up to three targets you can see from summoning.
Cost: 2 AP
Ward I:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 10)
You can protect one target you touch from a type of damage of your choosing, except for soul damage.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 1 AP
Ward II:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 30)
You can protect up to two targets you touch from a type of damage of your choosing, except for soul damage.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Ward III:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 50)
You can protect up to three targets you touch from a type of damage of your choosing, except for soul damage.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 3 AP
Ward IV:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 70)
You can protect up to four targets you touch from a type of damage of your choosing, except for soul damage.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Ward V:
Soul - Active
(Requires Soul 90)
You can protect up to five targets you touch from a type of damage of your choosing, except for soul damage.
(This spell requires Concentration)
Cost: 5 AP
Ward Mastery I:
Soul – Passive
(Requires Soul 70)
You can cast spells on targets you have warded, even if you ordinarily would not be able to do so.
Enduring Soul I:
Soul – Passive
(Requires Soul 20)
You increase your total AP by 1d4 permanently.
Enduring Soul II:
Soul – Passive
(Requires Soul 40)
You increase your total AP by 1d4 permanently.
Enduring Soul III:
Soul – Passive
(Requires Soul 60)
You increase your total AP by 1d4 permanently.
Flesh to Spirit I:
Soul – Active
(Requires Soul 15)
You can exchange your HP for AP at a 1:1 ratio.
Cost: Variable
Flesh to Spirit II:
Soul – Active
(Requires Soul 35)
You can exchange your HP for AP at a 1:2 ratio.
Cost: Variable
Flesh to Spirit III:
Soul – Active
(Requires Soul 55)
You can exchange your HP for AP at a 1:3 ratio.
Cost: Variable
Flesh to Spirit IV:
Soul – Active
(Requires Soul 75)
You can exchange your HP for AP at a 1:4 ratio.
Cost: Variable
Flesh to Spirit V:
Soul – Active
(Requires Soul 95)
You can exchange your HP for AP at a 1:5 ratio.
Cost: Variable

Nature Spells:
Animate I:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 10)
You can animate a non-living target you touch (this includes corpses). See Animaton/Undead I. Your animaton obeys your mental commands.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 1 AP
Animate II:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 30)
You can animate a non-living target you touch (this includes corpses). See Animaton/Undead II. Your animaton obeys your mental commands.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Animate III:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 50)
You can animate a non-living target you touch (this includes corpses). See Animaton/Undead III. Your animaton obeys your mental commands.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 3 AP
Animate IV:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 70)
You can animate a non-living target you touch (this includes corpses). See Animaton/Undead IV. Your animaton obeys your mental commands.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Animate V:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 90)
You can animate a non-living target you touch (this includes corpses). See Animaton/Undead V. Your animaton obeys your mental commands.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 5 AP
Mass Animate I:
Life/Death – Passive
(Requires Life/Death 10)
For an additional cost, your animate spells can animate an additional target that you can see.
Cost: 3 AP
Mass Animate II:
Life/Death – Passive
(Requires Life/Death 30)
For an additional cost, your animate spells can animate up to an additional 2 targets that you can see.
Cost: 6 AP
Mass Animate III:
Life/Death – Passive
(Requires Life/Death 50)
For an additional cost, your animate spells can animate up to an additional 3 targets that you can see.
Cost: 9 AP
Mass Animate IV:
Life/Death – Passive
(Requires Life/Death 60)
For an additional cost, your animate spells can animate up to an additional 4 targets that you can see.
Cost: 12 AP
Mass Animate V:
Life/Death – Passive
(Requires Life/Death 70)
For an additional cost, your animate spells can animate up to an additional 5 targets that you can see.
Cost: 15 AP
Rot I:
Life/Death – Active
(Requires Life/Death 10)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to rot along with any adjacent organic material. For 1d2 points of rot damage.
Cost: 1 AP
Rot II:
Life/Death – Active
(Requires Life/Death 30)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to rot along with any adjacent organic material. For 2d2 points of rot damage.
Cost: 2 AP
Rot III:
Life/Death – Active
(Requires Life/Death 50)
You touch you rtargets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to rot along with any adjacent organic material. For 3d2 points of rot damage.
Cost: 3 AP
Rot IV:
Life/Death – Active
(Requires Life/Death 70)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to rot along with any adjacent organic material. For 4d2 points of rot damage.
Cost: 4 AP
Rot V:
Life/Death – Active
(Requires Life/Death 90)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to rot along with any adjacent organic material. For 5d2 points of rot damage.
Cost: 5 AP
Lay on Hands I:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 10)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to heal along with any adjacent organic material. For 1d4 points of healing.
Cost: 1 AP
Lay on Hands II:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 30)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to heal along with any adjacent organic material. For 2d4 points of healing.
Cost: 2 AP
Lay on Hands III:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 50)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to heal along with any adjacent organic material. For 3d4 points of healing.
Cost: 3 AP
Lay on Hands IV:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 70)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to heal along with any adjacent organic material. For 4d4 points of healing.
Cost: 4 AP
Lay on Hands V:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 90)
You touch your targets’ exposed flesh, or a part of their body that is not covered by anything more than fabric or leather, and cause their flesh to heal along with any adjacent organic material. For 5d4 points of healing.
Cost: 5 AP
Life/Death - Passive
(Requires Life/Death 50, Lore: Medicine 50)
Your Lay on Hands spell can now revert bleed, rot, poison, and acid. Additionally, can repair broken parts and restore missing parts.
Life/Death – Active
(Requires Life/Death 70, Lore: Medicine 70, Regrowth, and Soul 25)
You touch a body that has been dead for no more than 2 weeks and restore them completely, bringing them back to life. This has the unusual side effect of removing one’s belly button.
Cost: 10 AP
Slay I:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 50)
You may instantly kill a target within 30 feet of you that has 4 or less HP.
Cost: 3 AP
Slay II:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 70)
You may instantly kill a target within 30 feet of you that has 8 or less HP.
Cost: 6 AP
Slay III:
Life/Death - Active
(Requires Life/Death 90)
You may instantly kill a target within 30 feet of you that has 12 or less HP.
Cost: 9 AP
Ænergy:Wind I:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 10)
You can create and control wind within 100 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 1 AP
Wind II:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 30)
You can create and control wind within 200 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Wind III:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 50)
You can create and control wind within 300 feet. You can attack with wind dealing 1d4 slashing damage, this is blocked by any armor heavier than leather.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Wind IV:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 70)
You can create and control wind within 400 feet. You can attack with wind dealing 2d4 slashing damage, this is blocked by any armor heavier than leather.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 6 AP
Wind V:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 90)
You can create and control wind within 500 feet. You can attack with wind dealing 3d4 slashing damage, this is blocked by any armor heavier than leather.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 8 AP
Earth I:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 10)
You can create and control earth and stone within 50 feet. Attacks made with earth and stone deal 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Earth II:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 30)
You can create and control earth and stone within 100 feet. Attacks made with earth and stone deal 2d4 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Earth III:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 50)
You can create and control earth and stone within 150 feet. Attacks made with earth and stone deal 3d4 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 6 AP
Earth IV:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 70)
You can create and control earth and stone within 200 feet. Attacks made with earth and stone deal 4d4 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 8 AP
Earth V:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 90)
You can create and control earth and stone within 250 feet. Attacks made with earth and stone deal 5d4 points of bludgeoning damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 10 AP
Ænergy- Passive
(Requires Ænergy 50)
Using your earth spells can cause Tremor, causing everyone within range other than yourself to make a Dexterity check with Disadvantage or Fall-prone.
Cost: 0 AP
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 20)
You can control heat within 100 feet of temperatures up to 100° Fahrenheit.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Fire I:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 20 and Heat)
You can create and control fire within 50 feet. Attacks made with the fire deal 1d4 fire damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Fire II:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 35 and Heat)
You can create and control fire within 100 feet. Attacks made with the fire deal 2d4 fire damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Fire III:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 50 and Heat)
You can create and control fire within 150 feet. Attacks made with the fire deal 3d4 fire damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 6 AP
Fire IV:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 65 and Heat)
You can create and control fire within 200 feet. Attacks made with the fire deal 4d4 fire damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 8 AP
Fire V:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 80 and Heat)
You can create and control fire within 250 feet. Attacks made with the fire deal 5d4 fire damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 10 AP
Ænergy - Passive
(Requires Ænergy 50, Heat, and Fire I)
Your fire spells set your targets alight, dealing 1d2 points of fire damage every turn that they spend ablaze.
Cost: 0 AP
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 20)
You can control cold within 100 feet of temperatures up to 0° Fahrenheit.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Ice I:
(Requires Ænergy 20 and Cold)
You can create and control ice within 50 feet. Attacks made with the ice deal 1d4 ice damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Ice II:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 35 and Cold)
You can create and control ice within 100 feet. Attacks made with the ice deal 2d4 ice damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Ice III:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 50 and Cold)
You can create and control ice within 150 feet. Attacks made with the ice deal 3d4 ice damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 6 AP
Ice IV:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 65 and Cold)
You can create and control ice within 200 feet. Attacks made with the ice deal 4d4 ice damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 8 AP
Ice V:
Ænergy - Active
(Requires Ænergy 80 and Cold)
You can create and control ice within 250 feet. Attacks made with the ice deal 5d4 ice damage.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 10 AP
Ænergy - Passive
(Requires Ænergy 50, Cold, and Ice I)
Your ice spells cause frostbite, dealing one instance of 1d4 points of rot damage, halving the target’s movement.
Cost: 0 AP
Water I:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 10)
You can create and control water within 100 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 1 AP
Water II:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 30)
You can create and control water within 200 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 2 AP
Water III:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 50)
You can create and control water within 300 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 3 AP
Water IV:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 70)
You can create and control water within 400 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Water V:
Ænergy- Active
(Requires Ænergy 90)
You can create and control water within 500 feet.
(Requires Concentration)
Cost: 4 AP
Ænergy- Passive
(Requires Ænergy 50)
You can force your water spells into a target, dealing 1d4 points of Drown damage per round.
Cost: 0 AP
Ænergy Conduit:
Ænergy - Passive
(Requires Ænergy 70)
Pick an element: Wind, Earth, Fire, Ice, or Water. Your eyes and veins will glow a corresponding color (see below). Your spells for the chosen element cost half as much AP.
Wind: White
Earth: Yellow
Heat & Fire: Red
Cold & Ice: Light Blue
Water: Dark Blue
If you choose Wind, you can add 1d4 points of slashing damage to your ranged and melee weapon attacks, you gain a flying speed equal to your movement.
If you choose Earth, you gain a burrow speed equal to your movement, and can add 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage to your ranged and melee weapon attacks.
If you choose Fire, you can add 1d4 points of fire damage to your ranged and melee weapon attacks, you are also immune to fire damage.
If you choose Ice, you can add 1d4 points of cold damage to your ranged and melee weapon attacks, you are also immune to cold and rot damage.
If you choose Water, you can breathe underwater, making you immune to drown damage, you can walk on water, and gain a swim speed equal to twice your movement.
Cost: 0 AP
Prescription I:
Geas - Active
(Requires Geas 10)
You make eye contact with your target, and utter a prescription. The target must do everything in its/their power to fulfill your request, provided it/they fail a Soul check. You may only have 1 prescription active at a time. This can’t be used to have a target kill or harm it/themself in any way.
Cost: 3 AP
Prescription II:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 30)
You cast Prescription I. You can have up to 2 prescriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Prescription III:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 50)
You cast Prescription I. You can have up to 3 prescriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Prescription IV:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 70)
You cast Prescription I. You can have up to 4 prescriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Prescription V:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 90)
You cast Prescription I. You can have up to 5 prescriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Proscription I:
Geas - Active
(Requires Geas 10)
You make eye contact with a target, and utter a proscription, the target will do everything within its/their power to avoid doing what you have forbidden, provided they fail a Soul check. If it/they fail to abide by the proscription, it/they take 5d4 Soul & 5d4 Sanity Damage.
Cost: 5 AP
Proscription II:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 30)
You cast Proscription I. You can have up to 2 proscriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Proscription III:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 50)
You cast Proscription I. You can have up to 3 proscriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Proscription IV:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 70)
You cast Proscription I. You can have up to 4 proscriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP
Proscription V:
Geas - Passive
(Requires Geas 90)
You cast Proscription I. You can have up to 5 proscriptions active at a time.
Cost: 0 AP